Riverbend Dress Code

  1. General Guideline: It is expected Members and their guests will dress in a fashion befitting the surroundings and atmosphere provided in Riverbend. It is expected Members will advise their guests of our dress requirements. Shirts and shoes are always required in all public areas except the spa.

  2. Spa: Robes are provided for in-house guests in their rooms. Robes are provided for Members just using the spa at the spa facility. In general, we ask that people wearing bathing attire and robes not be on the first floor and lower-level public areas. The Spa and pool area can be accessed through the elevator in the east wing of the main house. Casual workout attire in good taste is acceptable when using the exercise equipment.

  3. Dining: RESORT/GOLF casual attire is acceptable during the day in the dining rooms; While jackets are no longer required after 6:00 p.m., RESORT ELEGANT attire (i. e. Slacks, collared shirt or polo) is requested for evening dining, as well as in the library, solarium, and living room. RESORT/GOLF Casual attire is always acceptable in the Rathskeller in the lower level, and outdoor terraces.